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Leadership skills
I’d like to better lead through hard times
Purple Moose, CEO
Difficult relationship
I struggle managing my team
Cerise Lycaon, CTO
Emotional Balance
I want to feel way more confident
Green Butterfly, VP Communication
Management skills
I’d love to be super productive
Brown Ram, Customer Success Director
Decision making
I want a career change. I need to voice it
Celeste Parrot, Product Designer
Leadership skills
I’d like to become an inspiring leader
Emerald Unicorn, CEO
Habits & rhytmics
I need a healthier worklife balance
Blue Dolphin, Product Manager
Communication skills
I wish I could better convince others
Pink Leopard, Lead Engineer
Business acumen
I need to revise my strategic plan
Green Rhino, VP Marketing
Lack of experience
I feel like a fraud in my job
Snow Kiwi, Financial Manager
Hey Beth, time for today's session. How have you been since our interaction last week?
Hey Wave, I feel great. The exercise you gave me has really changed my worklife balance!
Awesome! Let’s then check your recent progress together. Ready?